JLE, Inc. "Books & Things"

The Only Tools to Engage Your Kids in Learning a Second Language and Having Fun Doing It.

0 to 5-Year-Olds Learn Reading Skills & Build Their Faith in Jesus While Learning a Second Language.

Huge Variety of Christian Products. Find Books, Gifts, Bibles, and Much More for The whole Family.

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Pre-order from Broken To Whole Again at $12.97+Tax&Shipping And Receive a Free Download: A Guide To Embracing Gratitude Every Day

We Make Learning a Second Language Fun & Easy With Our JLE Dual Language GEMS Curriculum (App)

We teach reading fluency in the child's home language while they learn a second language. We know that children (0-5yrs) are young enough to be still learning their home language. So, we tackle that too.

In-Print Books By Dr. Nicole Benoit-Roy

eBooks By Dr. Nicole Benoit-Roy

English/Spanish Bundle/

Worksheets included

English/French Bundle/

Worksheets included

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